Monday, August 13, 2012

Mission Team

 Last week Daddy went on a Missions Team with our church to Illinois to help and minister with Pastor and Laura Neal. They canvassed the area with the gospel, preached, did special music, and organized a Teen Challenge. Praise the Lord, one young man was saved! Many other seeds were planted and some made other decisions in their walk with the Lord. The Lord provided graciously for Daddy to go with the team and be a part of this special ministry!

While he was away we missed him A LOT! He left little bags with goodies for the girls to open each day. They loved that! We were able to sleep over Nana's for a few nights and then spend the rest of the week with Mimi and Poppy who came up to be with us. They helped mommy so much with getting things ready for baby brother- who will be here in just two weeks!

Here are some pictures from the week as we kept the girls busy with fun things to do each day! To see pictures of the Missions Trip, click on the link to our church blog on the right. 

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