Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Long Awaited Snow

The girls were beyond thrilled to wake up and see tons of snow outside. They quickly bundled up and made the joyous journey outside with Mom.

Grace was enjoying herself thoroughly while Abigail stood nearby with a frown on her face. Turns out, she said she didn't like the "snuffies"falling on her face. (That means the snowflakes.) She ended up trying with all her might to enjoy the snow from the shelter of the garage but somehow it just wasn't as much fun in there.
After coming inside, she attempted to love the snow once more later in the day...but alas, that love didn't last long either.

But this is New England, and so a few days later the snow melted in our 50 degree day of sunshine!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Oh how nice!! What fun!! XOXO